Please support the PPYCC Co-op local cause

If you are a Co-op member / have a Co-op card then did you know that PPYCC is registered as a Co-op local cause? 1% of Co-op members spending is distributed around local causes and you can choose which cause to support. The PPYCC cause has already earned us about £1,500 this year so it makes a huge difference to our club funds, which with Covid stopping activity for 4 months will be significantly reduced this year. We have to nominate what we are spending the money on, initially the Co-op cause was for a new PA system for events at the track and we are pleased to say this has now been covered and is on order, so all further money raised will be going towards replacing and improving the PPYCC coaching equipment and bike loans pool.

Co-op member can click the link below to view and select the PPYCC cause. Thankyou!