RSR Opportunity

Probably a last message from John Scripps who we wish well in his new role as the lead coach at the soon to open Lee Valley Cycle Park [or Olympic cycle centre to many people]. If you wish to take part in the appropriate RSR please email with your request.

Circuit RSR 1

We are swiftly moving into our Spring/Summer Circuit RSR programme, and with this we have made a few changes. Sessions will be combined regions, and places are limited to a maximum of 18 per region. This is to ensure that we keep the standard of the riders coming to RSRs as high as possible, and create more competition for places. The dates are as follows;

Tuesday 18th February – South East Boys – Cyclopark

Thursday 20th February – South East Girls – Cyclopark

Please nominate 1 boy and 1 girl for the sessions in your region, plus a list of reserves, by next Wednesday 29th January. I shall be sending out email letters to riders on Thursday 30th. As I am leaving February 5th, The Central region sessions, including online entries, will be covered by Ric Jamieson, TDC for South and South West. If you have any enquiries for the Central RSRs, please contact Ric on 07515 606634 or I shall advise you on contacts for the South East RSRs.

Many thanks,


John Scripps
Talent Development Coach – South East and Central Regions – Great Britain Cycling Team