So you want to be the next ….. Laura Trott, Jonathan Dibben, Tao Geoghan Hart

So you want to be the next ….. Laura Trott, Jonathan Dibben, Tao Geoghan Hart – all of whom raced as visiting youths at Preston Park and are now racing for Matrix Fitness, Team Sky and Team Wiggins respectively.

If you do want to be a top cyclist then you need to attend the right training and enter the right events. With winter on the horizon this means attending Regional Club Clusters of Training and for the strongest riders being selected to attend RSRs.

You can improve your chances, and your strength and skills by attending either track [at Herne Hill] or road [at Cyclopark] Club Cluster Sessions. These are a bit distant from Brighton, but the nearest training opportunities of this standard on offer. Road CCS at Cyclopark start on 20th October; all the CCS training events can be read about on the British Cycling South East website, part of BC Regions.

There are 3 rounds of RSR, track, then road then mtb; we do not get involved in mtb as it is not a discipline the club properly offers. Track RSRs start later this month, with Georgina Burnett being selected for PPYCC. The New Year will see the road RSRs start please let us know if you think there is someone we should consider. To be selected for track RSRs you need to attend regional omniums and be confident on banked velodromes. To be selected for road RSRs you need to attend national youth circuit race events, for example Freddie Newman attended 6 of these this past season, but is born 2003 so cannot be put forward until next year. Similarly Rahul FT and Lukas Nerurkar have had good success on the track. They will also become strong contenders next year. There are other criteria which can be found on our FAQs page. To be nominated for an RSR you need to be born in 2002, 2001 or 2000 and have a demonstrable record in racing regionally.