Info for both sessions this Saturday


It’s looking like a scorcher tomorrow, please ensure you bring a drink and put sun lotion on before starting 🙂

Check your bikes over

Remember there is no toolkit / trackpump sharing for the time being, so please ensure bikes are checked beforehand and tyres are pumped up.

Card reader is now working

The cashless reader is now working, thanks so much to Anthony for continuing to sort this even while on holiday! Please note that you can still drop correct change into the cash tin if you like, but cashless will suit us better as apart from Covid/virus protection it means fewer trips to the bank.

Kit sales

Remember that we now have a sample of jersey sizes at the track in the sign-on shed, we cannot allow anyone to try things on due to Covid, but you are very welcome to view the sizes. For purchases please contact Ian Baynes via

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!